Pinterest: A Hub for Creativity and Strategic Marketing
Designer, Martin Young Design’s Pinterest Profile
Pinterest is a widely used social media platform, especially within the design community. Designers use it for their projects, whether creating mood boards for clients or searching for general inspiration. Creatives have flocked to the platform since its inception in 2009. But over time, it’s become a place that not only fosters creativity but can serve as a helpful marketing tool, especially for those in the design industry looking to collaborate with other industry players.
Builder Grassi & Associates Pinterest Profile
One of the ways to promote a firm on Pinterest is by creating a company profile, boards, and pins. The Pinterest presence not only establishes brand recognition on another social platform, but it also is a way to guide people back to the firm’s portfolio, blog, Instagram, or website. When creating and sharing a project pin, you can link it to the portfolio directly, the website’s contact page, or where it was shared on Instagram. Providing a call to action is beneficial for those who come across your work and want to learn more, whether it be a potential client or collaborator.
Select pin from Cinergy Construction Pinterest profile that directly links to the company portfolio
General contractors, for example, looking to partner with more designers are at an advantage by having their work posted on Pinterest. When a design team begins sourcing inspiration, they look to Pinterest and could pin one of your projects. Pinterest is an excellent way to indirectly network within the industry and discover new partners for a project.
Potential clients may also turn to Pinterest when they embark on their new project. They could organically find your firm’s pins when searching specific design styles on Pinterest. When potential clients visit your website, they may also come across your Pinterest profile linked there, beneficial added exposure. In addition to final projects photos, Pinterest is a great space to showcase more informal photography of projects that may not be featured on your website. With the option to organize boards by room, commercial or residential, or by project name to mirror the firm’s website.